Give Me Your Soul...Please
Released 06.26.2007
1.The Dead
2. Never Ending Hill
3. Is Anybody Here?
4. Black Of Night
5. Mirror Mirror
6. The Cellar
7. Pictures In Red
8. Give Me Your Soul
9. The Floating Head
10. Cold As Ice
11. Shapes of Black
12. The Girl In The Bloody Dress
13. Moving On
자켓 디자인이 이건 뭐 처키도 아니고; 아주 후덜덜;;이네요
킹 횽님께서 2003년작 'The Puppet Master' 이후
라이브 앨범 하나 내놓고는 잠수타고 계시다가
결국 올해에! 드뎌 신작 "Give Me Your Soul... Please"를 발표하셨습니다.
유럽에서 발매일이 6월 26이었다고 하니 조금 지난 감이 없진 않지만
그야말로 따끈따끈한 앨범이 아닌가 합니다.
실은 너무 반가워서 그냥 가슴이 두근반 세근반 하네요...ㅋㅋ
일단 한번 들어볼까요?
아직 이 분, 건재합니다.
그것만으로도 무척 행복하네요.
(근데 어디서 페인킬러 리프가 들리는 듯;;)
회사에서 포스팅하고 있는데 새앨범 소식에 가슴이 그냥 콩닥콩닥 거리더군요. 하하..
이제 국내에 라이센스될 리는 만무하겠지만서도
머키나 향, 상아 등에서 만날 수 있게 되길 기다려 봅니다.
아유;; 7월 한달은 펜타포트랑 킹횽 신보만 기다리면서 삽니다..ㅎㅎ
마지막으로 아마존에서 발견한 앨범리뷰들을 올려보면서 간만의 포스팅을 마쳐보렵니다.
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0 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
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10 of 10 people found the following review helpful:
About the album itself, King Diamond is to me the real metal deal: horror mini-operas told through almost-progressive metal formulas -- but still sounding pure and raw, like true metal should be. The idea is truly original and the formula does work for me all the time. "Give me your soul... please!" is no exception. Of course, King is not breaking any ground anymore and this is absolutely more of the same, but that's *THE SAME* I love to hear and that's what I like from King Diamond: consistency, quality and loyalty to himself. After all, King has already innovated, so it's OK to reuse the innovations to craft a bunch of great albums, one after another. Now the unavoidable: compared to "The Puppet Master", I think the previous album had more melodic hooks, while "Give me your soul... please!" is more guitar-oriented. Also, I got the impression King uses more his middle range this time, but I always loved his "natural" voice, so that's fine to me. If I had to rank the new album respect to other King's efforts, this still is in my top five or six. The story is great and wicked, so our Halloween-esque desires will be more than satisfied. If you add to the story the band's total mastery of metal cliches, you get a super-boosted package of the finest metal extract ever. So, to conclude the review, I love the cover, the white letters for the lyrics on the booklet and all the artwork in general. Heavy metal fans need releases like this one, so this scores five stars in my book without hesitation. Just go BUY IT NOW and support artists like King, as he truly deserves kudos for his craftsmanship and authenticity. In fact, buy all the albums from King Diamond. I bet you won't regret it. You'll spend many creepy nights reading the stories while listening to a great metal score, so it is worth the price, believe me -- actually, joy is priceless! -- and by the way, thank you, King! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
This one is very melodic and heavy in the parts it should be..his falsetto is used a tad less here than in the past but the music is driving and the story is very fluid...not reading the lyrics yet I'd say this story will match up with past ones. Definitley a solid return by a much underappreciated artist. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
Musically speaking, it is genius. Here you will find the riffs and melodies that you not only expect but demand from this fabulous band. The story is where I feel like picking up the phone and calling him to demand an explanation: "So, Kim, what's up with the whole 'suicide misunderstanding'? And the end... are you leaving it open for a follow-up? you better..." This is King's probably most atmospheric album where not a lot of action happens in the story, but a lot of scenes are described, with the help of the music, as always. And when I say "atmospheric", I don't mean soft new-age music. It is HEAVY, don't worry about that. Now I just found out he's coming to Winnipeg on April 16, 2008... I almost pooped my pants! I saw him on the Voodo tour on the White Rabbit hole, down in San Antonio, and now he will bless this cold city with his music! YEAH! GO BUY THIS CD. (I usually download a lot of music, but NOT King's, not King's) BUY IT!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
2 of 8 people found the following review helpful:
King today released this compact disc, whilst at the same time his vertebrae released a herniated disc. "Why that silly wheelchair?" Um, because King's spine is being herniated by Satan. That bone mic must weigh a TON. Either that, or his Mini Cooper (the ultimate satanic metal spook-ride) has REALLY unsupportive seats. I'm hoping the next generation Mini Cooper will offer a special commemorative King Diamond Lumbar Support option...with of course EXTRA HOT seat heaters. Which can't be turned off. Only available in flat black goathide. This album is OK, but gets tedious and boring. Not Them or Abigail great (they're untouchable) but not as unlistenable as some of his mid-90's output. HOWEVER... Let me preface this next section by stating that MOST extreme diehard fans will NOT have enough of an open mind to even give credence to what I'm going to state. I understand that. I also understand that quite a lot of people don't have the ability to discern the difference between real and programmed drums, or just don't care. And, I totally expect a plethora of responses saying inane things from those whom refuse to even TRY to listen for what I'm going to describe. Suffice it to say... THESE ARE NOT REAL DRUMS ON "GIMME YOUR SOUL" REGARDLESS OF WHAT MR. DIAMOND STATES. FACT. I'm SO tired of people using programs like "Drumkit From Hell" and their ilk (and drum machines just a few years ago) to program drums on metal albums. They are INSTANTLY recognizable. And, they suck. Fake. Other bands that have done this lately...Exodus, Black Label Society, and Megadeth...the list goes on an on. Don't believe me? Then you don't have the ears to tell the difference. Or, you refuse to LET yourself hear it. It's easiest to tell on the King albums, such as "The Puppet Master" and "Abigail II." King forgot to turn off the fake tambourine click track that goes along with EVERY song (he forgot to turn it off on several parts of the new album as well). Combine this with the by the book drum beat and cymbal hits (cymbal hits which have NO variation in amplitude, pitch, modulation, or sound variance AT ALL) and this is a no-brainer. And, it's not the fact that it may be triggered. These drums have NOT been "played" by a human. No drummer does such insane footwork combined with the most simple laid back hi-hat and snare beats. Not real. Not played. Listen to the hi-hats on any more recent albums by King and these bands listed above...every hit sounds exactly the same. For example, it's funny on the Black Label songs...where the hi-hat is programmed to "close," they mistakenly forgot to omit the actual "open" hi-hat sound sample after the "closed" hi-hat sound is triggered. If this were a real hi-hat, the "open" sound would STOP completely when the hi-hat was "closed." This doesn't happen. This is impossible on real drums. The recent King albums exhibit this, but much to much less extent. King, or whomever programs his drums, is better at it than a lot of others. I digress...don't try to go the "OK, they may be samples but they are actually played and triggered" LAME cop-out argument. If they WERE actually played, they would SOUND played, regardless of's the WAY they are programmed that gives it away. They are always programmed in such a way that (for example) the cymbal hits give it drummer EVER plays the way they are programmed on the albums. The drums are programmed in the most basic way possible. It's a ridiculous conundrum...the bass drums are programmed usually with super fast super heavy double bass classic metal beats and fills, but the hi-hats, snare, cymbals, and ride are programmed to do the most simple, trite, straight elementary beats that only a non-drummer would program (similar to a straight beat on a drum machine for guitar players to solo over). Listen to an album with verifiable REAL drums (old King albums for example, Slayer, Rush, Tommy Aldridge...hell, ANYTHING before programming began) and you will INSTANTLY hear what I'm talking about. There's nuance. There's a slightly different tone in EVERY cymbal, snare, ride, and hi-hat hit. And, the snare rolls DON'T DOUBLE UP (cough, cough, cough...) on fast fills. A great example again is how the cymbals are programmed, where cymbals hit ALWAYS at the same time at the end of a measure (what drummer ONLY hits cymbals the SAME way in EVERY song at the END of EVERY measure?), snare rolls are totally mechanical with no feeling, and some fills are just SO basic that you think, "Wait, no GOOD drummer would EVER just do that." On this album, when the little super fast double bass comes in at the end of one of the songs, the handwork going on at the SAME TIME sounds like Ringo Starr with his hands taped together; it's THAT basic. What drummer have you EVER heard go absolute balls-out NUTS with his feet would do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING with his hands at the same time???!?!!? It's appalling...nothing short of hip-hop could sound any more fake. The SOUND of the digital samples is decent...but they need to be programmed by a drummer who has a clue of HOW a real drummer plays in a metal context...simply programming complicated bass drum beats whilst leaving everything else programmed to sound LIKE A DRUM MACHINE of the 80's does NOT cut it. And again, that fake tamborine click track!!!! These bands will NEVER admit to using drum programmers/machines. King still denies it (he even still tries to state the horrendous "drums" on "The Eye" were actually played on an electronic kit which is total BS...those drum sounds were programmed on a primitive digital machine). The last several King albums have had programmed drums, and while 1000% better than the "Eye" drums, they still sound 100% fake...and King wonders why everyone lusts for the days of Mikkey Dee's REAL drum fills. People CAN tell the difference...if they just think and LISTEN for themselves and not believe everything they are told and spoon-fed as fact. There's a reason people want Mikkey Dee back, and it's NOT only because of his unique playing's because he plays like a HUMAN, not a program. Most won't let themselves hear it or realize it, but all you have to do is listen closely...again, NO drummer actually plays like the programmed drums on these recent albums. But, it's more cost effective to program in these trying times for artists. However, we're on to you King...just admit these are programmed drums. These are NOT actually played. Simple to tell. Bands and artists such as King "credit" a drummer simply because they don't want to lose "metal cred" by admitting to using cost-cutting programmed drums. King would NEVER admit it...and it's at least common knowledge nowadays regarding "The Eye" (even though some idiots still refuse to believe it). Again, King has many complaining about the absence of Mikkey Dee...but, ANY drummer actually PLAYING DRUMS on ANY of his last several releases would quelch some of these complaints. The difference between Dee and King's current programmed drums is simply enhanced 1000-fold by the fact that not only are the drum "lines" not imaginative (regardless of the complexity of the bass drum programmed lines and runs), but they're not even played by a human and thusly lack that elusive intimate feel...they don't grab you. People actually PLAYING is what music should be. This is a bad trend. It is MUCH cheaper to program the drums for an "artist." However, REAL drums can have just as much feel as a good soulful guitar solo. A good analogy would be...what if the guitar solos were replaced by midi file programmed guitar solos that emulated amplified guitar sounds? No feeling would result...and it's the same with all these bands using these cheezy programmed drums inserted via ProTools. There's no FEELING or EMOTION in these programmed drums. Drums are MORE than just a beat to play guitar and bass over. (And no, I'm not a drummer.) I yearn for the good old days when even if a band, album or a drummer sucked (i.e., someone like Randy Castillo, RIP), at least it was a REAL human with a REAL style (albeit a bad one) that you could IDENTIFY. The new ProTools recording style and fake programmed drums RUIN music. NO soul whatsoever. "Gimme Your Soul, Please"????? Yes, King, PLEASE give us some SOUL in the DRUMMING of your albums, NOT the PROGRAMMING. How can hardly anyone else NOT be bothered by this? Open your ears. You'll be surprised by what you realize you are (and aren't) hearing. Yet I digress, and yes indeed, it's more cost effective to program, and King needs the money for some Doan's Pills... Get well, King! I bet he has one HELL of a HEATING PAD. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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